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60 tablets 


Symptomatic Relief of Mild Anxiety
Serving Type: Tablet


A combination of magnolia and phellodendron to relieve symptoms of stress, with skullcap and passionflower, both used in traditional western herbal medicine to relieve symptoms of mild anxiety and nervous tension.

  • Relora® relieves symptoms of stress.
  • Relora® relieves symptoms of mild, temporary anxiety in premenopausal women.
  • Skullcap and passionflower relieve symptoms of mild anxiety.*
  • Skullcap and passionflower are included for nervous system support, relieving nervous tension and restlessness.*
  • Passionflower and skullcap are used as a sleep aid, especially when disturbed sleep is due to restlessness and stress.*

*According to use in traditional western herbal medicine.


BioCeuticals can only be supplied after consultation with one of our practitioners to ensure product suitability. Consultations are free and can be conducted by phone.

BioCeuticals RestoraCalm®

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